Merin is a teacher, a book blogger, a baseball addict (Go Cardinals!), lover of music, movies and TV crime dramas, and YA/MG connoisseur. Follow me on my blog at!
Can we all just take a minute to swoon over that cover? I mean, SERIOUSLY. These books have the best covers. ♥
Right. ANYWAY. Of Triton picks up right where Of Poseidon left off, which is good for those of us who didn't like the cliffhanger-ish ending. NOTE: I am going to attempt to keep this review as spoiler-free as possible for the series. Hopefully you avoided the summary for this book, because it basically renders reading Of Poseidon obsolete if you didn't!
I am the first to admit that I had some pretty significant issues with Of Poseidon. I felt like it was just too typical YA paranormal for my taste, complete with a love interest who likes to tell Emma what to do and enjoys making her blush in embarrassment. However, Of Triton was pretty much the complete opposite of the first book. I really felt like the author matured in her writing - which continues to be witty and funny, with some laugh-out-loud moments - and got away from the checklist that so many YA paranormal writers seem to use. Emma really grew as a character, relying on her own judgement to make her decisions instead of just allowing Galen to decide what she should and shouldn't do. The set-up for Of Triton meant that Galen and Emma spent quite a lot of time away from each other, and I really loved the fact that Emma didn't just sit around moping. She used the time away to really think about her situation and what she wanted, and I give her major props for that.
The reader also gets fully immersed in the world of the Syrena, which - while I had some issues with aspects of their lives in the first book - is a really well-designed and thought-out world. This book allows us an inside look at the proceedings and laws that govern this underwater world, and I personally found it all quite fascinating. There was a lot of underhanded political maneuvering going on which put Galen and his family in quite a lot of danger, and I just really loved watching the twists and turns and grasps for power. This book had a very "edge of your seat" feel to it, even when it was just Emma going to school. There was an underlying tension and sense of danger that was written into the story in such a way that I, personally, found it very difficult to put the book down. I read it in nearly one go.
All in all, Of Triton was a massive step up in every single category from Of Poseidon. I really felt like the book was its own unique concept, and loved the fact that Emma was allowed some space for personal growth. The romance was made even more swoon-worthy because of Emma's decisions, and I found myself liking both her and Galen much more than I had previously. I am curious as to why there's a third book in this series, though, as things seemed wrapped up quite nicely. Considering how much more I liked this book than its predecessor, though, I will definitely be checking it out!
To see more of my reviews, please visit me @ Read and Reviewed!
Upon completing Siege and Storm, I was left with a pretty serious dilemma: how does one go about reviewing a book that made her feel all the emotions, that she loved from beginning to end, that provided constant twists and turns so that the reader hardly knows what's up? That's the situation I'm currently facing, as I stare at the blinking cursor in my update box. How can I accurately sum up my feelings and thoughts on this absolutely amazing book? I fear that I won't adequately be able to express exactly what I'm feeling, or - perhaps even worse - simply descend into fangirl ravings. So let me say this to start, just in case things get out of hand: this was everything I could have asked for and desired in a sequel to a book I adored, and has cemented Leigh Bardugo as one of my absolute favorite authors. Make of that what you will!
There is such amazing character development in this sequel, to the point where I really found myself understanding character motivations and the ways their lives and the situations of the stories have entwined them together. Alina, in particular, is so much stronger in this installment, really embracing her power and abilities and wanting to make up for the occurrence at the end of the first book. There are a lot of parallels drawn between her and the Darkling, and I personally found them fascinating, particularly when he so often echoes her thoughts. These parallels are part of the reason she and Mal start to grow apart, though, not only because Mal isn't keen on Alina's powers, but because her being Grisha places them on different societal levels, which come with their own mix of issues in this magical world of Ravka. There is a lot of talk of people's place in society, all of which I personally found very interesting, especially when all of these characters all have roles to play.
"There are no others like us, Alina," he whispered. "And there never will be." - 13%
The Darkling continues to be as alluring as ever, but with an added edge of darkness and danger that makes him very scary to behold. And yet, Alina continues to be drawn to him, and the phrase "like calls to like" comes up quite often. I still cannot help but want more Darkling, even when he's doing truly horrific things. It's for this reason that I was glad that - while Sturmhond is more physically present in this book than the Darkling - the Darkling is still very much a fixture in Alina's thoughts, even when he's not there in the flesh. And when he IS there? Oh, good Lord. How he manages to be sexy and evil at the same time shall forever be a mystery to me.
"So you don't trust me to resist [Sturmhond's] charms?"
"I don't even trust myself. ... I'm pretty sure the rocks and trees are getting ready to swear fealty to him." - 41%
But the showstopper of this book is definitely the dashing, egotistical privateer named Sturmhond, who has a habit of stealing every single scene he's a part of. While he isn't as magnetic as the Darkling, he had a way of making me smile and laugh every single time he opened his mouth. Some of my favorite lines came out of his mouth, and I really just liked watching his interactions with Alina. For someone who's actually quite untrustworthy, he sure has a way of putting folks at ease, which - of course - is the true mark of a con man. His conversations with Alina were the kind that made you think, even when you wanted to also smack him, and really made Alina do a lot of personal contemplation and introspection. Without him, I don't know that we would have gotten as much development from her, which would have been a real shame, because her growth was one of the strongest parts of this book.
"...But when all this is over, Alina, I wonder if you'll still want me." - 37%
One thing I was not expecting was how emotionally heart-wrenching much of this book is. The difficulties between Alina and Mal actually hurt you to read in some places, particularly since it's so obvious just how much they love each other. Even with the abundance of potential love interests, it's very clear who Alina would choose if things like power and status weren't an issue and Mal weren't suffering so badly with his current place in life. I think it's worse than most books because there is no easy fix here, which makes their struggles even harder to witness. Their relationship makes me very nervous and I fear for what Ms. Bardugo has in store for those of us who just want them to fix the cracks and make it work.
Siege and Storm is definitely a case of a second book that outshines its predecessor. Fear not, fellow readers: there is no middle-book syndrome here. The action is ratcheted up, the stakes are higher, the danger and intrigue never-ending. Alina has some very serious obstacles that she's going to have to overcome, and I, for one, shall be eagerly anticipating the final installment of this amazing trilogy. I don't know how the series can get even better, but if this book is any indication, Ruin and Rising is going to absolutely blow our minds!
An e-galley was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
To see more of my reviews, please visit me @ Read and Reviewed!
Geez, Ben pretty much breaks your heart, doesn't he? And the ending of this makes me want to immediately dive into Unbreakable, even though I need to read something else first. Dilemma!
My favorite parts were when he talked about all the things he loved about Janelle. It could have easily been written in a completely mushy gushy way, but that's not what happened here. His feelings just were, no fluff or frills, just love. I seriously love this boy. ♥
To see more of my reviews, please visit me @ Read and Reviewed!
As someone who loves a well-done historical novel, I was really looking forward to In the Shadow of Blackbirds. I haven't read too many books set during World War I, although the one I've read most recently - A Very Long Engagement by Sébastien Japrisot - was extremely well done and quite emotional, so I was hoping this book would be in that same vein. I'm happy to report that it definitely was. Not only does In the Shadow of Blackbirdstake place during the war, but it also includes even more historical occurrences, from the 1918 flu pandemic to seances and spiritualism. The amount of research the author must have done to write this novel is astounding, and the fact she spent so much time making her book as realistic as possible really stands out in the writing and the reader's enjoyment. This was a book that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Mary Shelley Black is an amazing main character. I loved her wit, her love of science, and the fact that she wasn't at all like other sixteen-year-old girls growing up in 1918. Mary Shelley has her own way of doing things and her own beliefs, which I found quite refreshing to read about. I loved how she started out skeptical about ghosts and spirits, only to have to re-think her position. She was very analytical about things, and I loved how she continued to do what she thought was right, even when she was told by her aunt or others to leave things alone and just worry about keeping herself safe.
The atmosphere of this book, however, was what really tipped this into five-star territory. The descriptions of the streets, from the people moving about with gauze masks on (which in the end did little to help anyone escape the flu), to the seances, to the mourners wanting their relatives to return to them, everythingwas just written about in a way that the reader could really see what was happening. While sometimes there can be too much description, with Blackbirds I really felt like those depictions were necessary to help set the mood and develop the suspenseful feel of the book. The air of mystery and confusion that reigns through much of the book as Mary Shelley tries to figure out what Stephen's spirit wants from her really helped drive the plot and keep the reader engaged. I found this book to be pretty much unputdownable.
In the Shadow of Blackbirds is easily the best debut I've read this year. The historical flourishes, the air of mystery, and the headstrong main character all combined to create a book I devoured and loved from start to finish. If you haven't yet had a chance to read this amazing book, you definitely need to do so soon! You won't be disappointed.
ARC provided via DAC ARC Tours in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed Chosen Ones, but can easily say that Naturals is better. You can certainly tell that this is Ms. Truitt's second book. The plotting and pacing are better, and the characters more relatable. I found Tess, especially, to be extremely strong in this installment. She was much more willing to confront her feelings and think about how her upbringing impacted her. I liked her strength of character and her conviction that what she was doing was right. For me, the main draw of this book is Tess, and I was really pleased to see her growth.
I also liked that this book helped further establish the dystopian world used in this series. Tess is away from the compound, out in the so-called "wilds", and you really got a better sense of what the world was like through her journey to the Isolationists' camp. It was interesting to see the stark contrast between compound life and the life these people chose to live away from everyone. It was very much reminiscent of the pioneers' journey out west back in the early days of the United States, when food was not in abundance and everything had to be gained through physical work of some sort. Since Tess was "pampered" for most of her life, she finds the transition difficult, and I found her journey to be extremely realistic and well done.
"I can't help but wonder if there has ever been a place where freedom truly existed. I think freedom is what mankind fears most in the world. When you're free, you can't blame anyone or anything for who you become." - 81%
This book is much more action-packed, even though a large portion of it is taken up by Tess' learning to fend for herself and work to keep herself and the community alive and thriving. Even though she is supposedly safe, there is a definite sense of threat underlying everything, and this is ratcheted up when she becomes ill. I was really pleased that we got to see James again, even though Henry's actions leading up to their reunion really rubbed me the wrong way. He is such an angry character, and while I suppose some of it is warranted, I can't get behind his actions or thoughts, and really found myself not liking him at all. Like the contrast between Tess' previous life and the one at the camp, James and Henry are so different from each other. I like that James really seems to respect Tess' decisions and is willing to let her lead, whereas Henry wants to be the one in control and do what he feels is best for her, regardless of her feelings on the subject. I will be interested to see how their relationship progresses with the events at the end of the book.
Naturals is a much faster read than its predecessor. Tess is more likable, and the reader is really able to get inside her head and understand her feelings and where she's coming from. I loved seeing her personal growth, and can only hope that continues, even with the reveal at the end. I like how she still struggles to not be the girl the Council turned her into, and the steps she's taking to ensure she lives her life according to her own rules. If you liked Chosen Ones, you definitely need to pick up Naturals, as it is an extremely solid continuation of the series. Just be forewarned that the ending will leave you extremely anxious and impatient for the as-yet-unnamed final installment!
An e-galley was provided by the publisher for blog tour purposes.
To see more of my reviews, please visit me @ Read and Reviewed!